This series of neighborhood food guides was initially inspired by my favorite weekend hobby, coffee shop dwelling. The guides are catered toward the foodie and indecisive alike. Enjoy!
"Its easier to get outta the hood than to get the hood outta you."
We learn a lot of things in the places of our upbringing. I believe that one of the most important things we learn from home is our first definition of love. Often, not quite the storybook description of love but usually a flawed type of love passed down from one generation to the next. So what if theres a better standard of love? What about better ideas in general? How do we reroute, restructure, and relearn how to love and think better than familiar ideas of our upbringing?
I was never quite fond my own neighborhood, but today I am able to recognize this place I’ve once hated can become a place of redemption.
These three images represent Bayview, a neighborhood in the south east corner of San Francisco.
No pit stops were made on Third street. Just to school and back. There was absolutely zero reason to go out there (food desert and general safety concerns). But things are changing - new businesses have chosen this place to lay their roots, new leaders are rising up, fathers and mothers are being transformed, and healing is taking place. This community is being invested in... and I am excited for what's to come.
This is a tribute to a place that I am fond of.
“Friends don’t let friends stay geographically challenged.” This project was inspired new-to-the-city-friends.
Reading the Bible helped me to see God's weaving throughout world history as well as in my own life. This coloring book was birthed from the idea to help other people see and be encouraged as they discover who God is and how He has constantly pursued humanity throughout time. The Gospel Coloring book includes 32 illustrated verses that reveal the redemption of man through Jesus in chronological order from the Old Testament to the New Testament.